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IVI Enlists a Root Crop Trio to Pitch their Products and Services

Growers invest in their crops and want to treat ‘em right in storage.

Russ, IVI's spokes potato lounging with some french fries

Growers of root crops like potatoes, onions and sweet potatoes invest heavily in getting their crops to the point of harvest. When their crops are headed to storage, growers continue with their protective nature, looking to ensure the most successful storage conditions possible. Growers turn to IVI in a partnership approach, looking for the expertise that backs IVI’s products and systems. IVI recently enlisted the help of a team of root crops to help demonstrate optimal storage conditions that are possible.

First up in the demonstration is Russ, who has been featured in industry publications as well as across billboards in some of our western U.S. potato-growing areas. In storage, Russ is a laid-back kind of spud, and some consider him rather thick-skinned. He likes to lay low, having exerted a lot of energy to get to this point. You might say he started at ground level, then worked his way up. He’s doing his best to take advantage of ideal conditions, enjoying perfect humidity and airflow. He knows he’s being monitored continuously, and he’s OK with that. Thanks to the reliability of IVI’s Imperium control panel, if conditions shift outside, he knows he can still count on a perfect indoor environment. He wants to be looking and feeling just right when it’s time for him to go to market.

Onions Prefer a Drier Climate.

Owen, IVI's spokes onion lounging around

Owen joins the root crop spokes-team, and like any onion, there’s layer upon layer of storage considerations. But unlike the russet and other spuds, a dry climate is paramount to this crop’s success in storage. Onion growers lean on IVI team members for what is working well in their particular growing region, as well as customizing conditions for particular varietals. Sometimes those adjustments are very slight, and just a matter of a degree or two. With the IVI Imperium control panel, conditions can be monitored and adjusted on demand. Many growers love the ease of using the app, allowing for control from wherever they are.

Like onions, layers are fundamental to IVI control panels. While ease of use is a big part of the panel’s appeal, it’s the range of information that can be accessed and controlled that is the panel’s real value. One example is the historical data that is stored and readily available for recall. If a grower enjoyed success in one time period, and wishes to mimic those parameters again, it’s easily done. IVI engineers continually strive to make the operating software intuitive and expandable for the grower.

Sweet Potatoes are a rather sensitive lot.

Sal, IVI's sweet spokes potato lounging around

Sweet potatoes are sensitive…in a complicated kind of way. When it is time to harvest, the dirt needs to have just the right amount of moisture. Mechanization can bring the sweets to the surface. But growers have to take great care, as the skin on sweets is particularly delicate at harvest. Sorting is often done by hand when the sweets are moved to bins, for quality control and tender handling. Scuffing must be kept to a minimum going into storage.

Sal, our humble sweet spokespotato represents IVI’s concern with the unique requirements of sweet potatoes in storage. The dirt on Sal is that dirt on Sal isn’t good. If dirt adheres to sweet potatoes when they enter storage, it inhibits air flow, and can negatively impact the skin. This has the potential to lead to disease.

The stage is set for ideal, long-term storage when curing takes place, and perfect temperature is in order. IVI team members have partnered with researchers who test and re-test optimal conditions, to the benefit of growers. Industry standards can shift when the right research dictates it. Sweet potatoes are no exception.

Once curing in storage is complete, the temperature is dropped and the sweets are ready to just chill. Even air flow is ideal, as it moves through the bins. IVI’s control panel can monitor and maintain these ideal conditions. Key devices include a CO2 sensor, as well as IVI’s Thermadoor, which utilizes exterior air flow, providing a very low cost of operation. IVI team members are eager to demonstrate how to leverage their success in root crop storage, customized specifically for the unique needs of stored sweet potatoes.

For the tastiest spuds, onions, and sweets, show ‘em some love.

When you treat your root crops right in storage, you’ll enjoy a favorable outcome. Our spud, onion, and sweet potato spokes-trio help demonstrate how being chill, at just the right temperature, can result in a superstar rating for all your stored crops. Partner with us, and when you open up those storage doors and it’s time to go to market, we’ll help you see the highest return on your investment.

Ready to work with IVI for a custom potato, onion, or sweet potato storage solution?

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July 1, 2019