November 9, 2021
Chemical Treatments | IVI Blog
Farmers often face unpredictable factors with climate and climate shifts, like this year’s record heat, impact the growing season.
Read ArticleWith climate factors like record heat, growers take steps for what they can control, from harvest to storage.October 31, 2018
Chemical Treatments | IVI Blog
As a grower you know that the threat of disease in potato storage is real. Your spuds can look healthy going in, but some signs of disease are not apparent to the naked eye. Or, signs of decay and rot may be missed.
Read ArticleDisease Haunts your Potato StorageSeptember 28, 2018
Chemical Treatments | IVI Blog
Successful sweet potatoes storage is paramount to growers. Upon harvesting, initial storage temperature typically ranges from 12 to 15°C (54 to 59°F). For five to ten days, sweet potatoes are in most cases exposed to temperatures between 26 and 29°C (79 and 84°F). This allows the starch to convert to sugar, allowing the sweet aroma to develop. These optimum conditions make it possible to maximize the net results of the harvested crop—allowing up to twelve months in maintaining a high, consistent quality.
Read ArticleMaximizing Sweet Potato Duration in StorageAugust 24, 2018
Chemical Treatments | IVI Blog
You’re a potato grower. You did everything in your power to make sure your spuds came out of the ground in perfect condition. You likely were nervous more than a few times thanks to things out of your control, courtesy of Mother Nature. Let’s say you also see no sign of decay or disease as your harvested spuds are moved into storage. And, your storage housing is perfectly prepared, with temperature, air movement and other factors monitored. Do you need an application of a protective, chemical treatment, such as Jet-Ag? Based upon our experience working with growers year after year, the answering is a resounding yes.
Read ArticleMake sure your spuds are ready to roll into storage with a Jet-Ag® or FruitGardTM treatmentJuly 31, 2018
Chemical Treatments | IVI Blog
The two critical environmental factors involved in properly storing potatoes and preventing common potato diseases are temperature and humidity. Adequate and unrestricted air movement is also necessary to maintain constant temperature and humidity throughout the storage pile—and to prevent excessive shrinkage from moisture loss and decay.
Read ArticleTemperature, humidity, and air movement: the key factors to successful storage and preventing common potato diseasesNovember 16, 2017
Chemical Treatments | IVI Blog
When your spuds are harvested and storage protection is top of mind, IVI offers the expertise on treatment options for your situation.
Read ArticlePost-Harvest Treatments for Effective Storage Protection